National Readership Survey

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National Readership Surveys Ltd.
legal form Limited Company
Seat London , UK
Branch Media , readership research

The National Readership Survey is a UK joint venture between the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), the Newspaper Publishers Association (NPA) and the Periodical Publishers Association (PPA).

The company researches and analyzes audiences for UK newspapers and magazines . The survey covers more than 250 of the UK's largest print publications. The size and composition of the readership reached are examined .

Among other things, the following examinations are carried out:

  • NRS Interview: year-round survey with 36,000 interviews per year ( target group 15+)
  • Average Issue Readership (AIR): average number of readers of a publication
  • Circulation: Distribution of a publication based on the information provided by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC)
  • Online reading: Effects of reading on the Internet on traditional publications
  • Lifestyle data: socio-demographic research such as B. the NRS Social Grades

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