National contact points

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To support the EU's framework programs for research and innovation , a network of national contact points (NCPs or NCPs) was set up in the member states. These NCPs can help interested institutions and individual applicants with technical and administrative questions and with the search for partners for project applications.

The basis of the German advisory network is formed by such national contact points, which are mostly represented by national project sponsors and cover the individual thematic areas (e.g. scientific excellence, leading role of industry, social challenges). They therefore serve as a central point of contact for interested parties, applicants and project executors.

For each thematic priority of the EU framework program for research and innovation, Horizon 2020, a program coordination was set up that supports the technical contact points in overarching issues, works with the responsible ministry and supports it in the program committee as a national expert. The offers of the individual contact points differ in detail depending on the size of the position and the need for advice caused by the supported funding measure.

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