National Center for Early Aid

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In order to improve the protection of children from neglect and abuse , the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth set up the National Center for Early Help (NZFH) in 2007 as part of the action program “Early Help for Parents and Children and Social Early Warning Systems”. The center is intended to contribute to the development and expansion of support systems for youth welfare and health care for parents-to-be and parents of babies and small children.

Carriers and goals

Better and binding cooperation between child and youth welfare and the health system is intended to intensify the protection of infants and toddlers from particularly stressed families from neglect and abuse.

The primary goal of the center is therefore to promote communication processes between actors from the various fields of work and disciplines. This basic idea is reflected in the joint sponsorship of the center by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and the German Youth Institute (DJI). Since it was founded in 1967, the BZgA has pursued the goal of preventing health risks in children and adolescents and their parents and supporting healthy lifestyles in them. Since 1963 the DJI has been investigating the life situations and developments of children, young people, women, men and families as well as related public offers for their support and advancement. The National Center for Early Help, which is supported by these two institutions, is based at the BZgA in Cologne.

Areas of responsibility

One of its tasks is the creation of a knowledge platform for early aid , including the pooling and processing of results from model projects, communication with the specialist public and the general population, and the transfer of experience and knowledge from research and practice of early aid to the specialist community .

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