Natural monument 3 Linden (Erlinghausen)

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The natural monument 3 Linden is located north of Erlinghausen in the urban area of Marsberg . The area was designated as a natural monument (ND) in 2008 with the Marsberg landscape plan by the district council of the Hochsauerlandkreis . The LB is in the open spaces around Erlinghausen / Auf der Sandkuhle . The protected landscape component hedge in the Kressenborn borders almost directly.


The landscape plan explains the ND: “The ensemble of three old linden trees and a wayside shrine stands between a crossroads and the garden area of ​​an Aussiedlerhof in a prominent place in the open field north of Erlinghausen. The stately group of trees offers itself as the end point of the planting envisaged under 5.13 and would represent an important "landmark" even if the forest penetrated from the west (possible according to the plan). "

Protection purpose

The landscape plan explains the protection purpose: “All of the following natural monuments are important as distinctive and dominant individual elements with an outstanding landscape-enhancing effect. They are designated as objects of protection because of their peculiarity and beauty, which they essentially achieve through their perfect growth form (free standing) and / or through their location in the field that characterizes the landscape. "Under prohibitions, among other things, it is stated: tearing it up, digging up or severing parts of it or otherwise impairing its growth or appearance; A threat to growth can also occur in particular through damage to the root system. b) to fortify or consolidate the eaves area of ​​the natural monument; Fixing or strengthening the eaves area includes, among other things, constant driving, asphalting or concreting; "The landscape plan stipulated:" The natural monuments are to be preserved through appropriate maintenance measures, as long as the effort required is justified in consideration of their respective importance for nature and landscape . Such measures consist in particular in the professional treatment of damage and wounds, dead wood, removal of root brood and (preventive) static improvements. "


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Marsberg Landscape Plan. Meschede 2008, p. 82
  2. ^ Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Marsberg Landscape Plan. Meschede 2008, p. 76 ff

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