Faithful to negation

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Negation Trust (ger .: negation complete ) is a property of sequences of predicate logic expressions. This property is also called syntactically complete (in English-language literature also syntactically complete , deductively complete or maximally complete ) - in order to avoid confusion with other terms of completeness .

Definition: A set of predicate logic expressions is called faithful to negation if for any expression :

or .

It can also be expressed differently: A formal system, given by the set of axioms , is true to negation or syntactically complete if every further axiom that cannot be derived from leads to a contradiction.


The meaning of the term faithful to negation lies in its role as a proof tool for Henkin's theorem , which in turn is used as a tool for an alternative proof of Godel's completeness theorem of first-order predicate logic .


Hans Dieter Ebbinghaus, Jörg Flum, Wolfgang Thomas: Introduction to mathematical logic. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2007, ISBN 3-8274-1691-4 .