Network contract

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Network contracts form the business basis for electricity and gas network operators from a contractual point of view. The following types of contracts exist:

1. The connection of energy consumption systems to the electricity or gas network is regulated in the network connection contract. The contractual partner is the so-called "connection recipient". The contract always relates to a specific grid connection point.

2. The connection usage contract regulates the use of the connection for drawing or feeding energy ("feed-in contract"). The contractual partner is the so-called "connection user". The contract always relates to a specific grid connection point and a specific extraction or feed point.

3. Access to the electricity or gas network for the transport / distribution of energy via the network is regulated in the network usage contract. The contractual partner is the so-called "network user". The contract always relates to a specific grid connection point and a specific tapping point.

4. The supplier framework agreement is a variant of the network usage contract, which enables network access to a large number of network connection points and tapping points; Contract partners are energy suppliers.

Special shapes:

5. The redistribution contract is a bundle of network connection, connection usage and network usage contracts. It is closed with a further distributor (a downstream energy supplier, e.g. a municipal utility). It can refer to several network connection points and tapping points.

6. The street lighting contract is a bundle of network connection, connection usage and network usage contracts. It is usually concluded with a community. It can refer to several network connection points and tapping points to which street lighting networks are connected.

Further information

Connection users (with energy relation ) and network users are the same people. A network usage contract is only concluded if the connection user does not want to contractually agree to network access with his energy supplier (no "all-inclusive contract").

The grid connection is regulated in the new Energy Industry Act of July 13, 2005 in Section 2 of Part 3 (Sections 17 ff.).

The connection use for end consumers in low voltage or low pressure is regulated in the new Energy Industry Act of July 13, 2005 in Part 4 (§§ 36 ff.).

Network access (conceptually identical to "network use") is regulated in the new Energy Industry Act of July 13, 2005 in Section 3 of Part 3 (§§ 20 ff.) And several ordinances.

Due to the ban on discrimination, network operators are obliged to standardize their network contracts (standard contracts).