New Cithar Lessons

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New Citharen Lessons by Thomas Robinson , a composer of the English Renaissance , published in London in 1609 , was a textbook for cister , a plucked instrument.

The first 47 pieces are composed for four-course cisters (tuning of choirs 1 to 4: e 'd' gb), pieces 48 to 53 for 14-course cisters (tuning: e 'd' gb b fd GFEDC BB b AA GG) .


  1. My Lord Treasurer his Paven
  2. The Galliard to the Pavin before
  3. A fantasy
  4. Wades Welfare
  5. Powles Carranta
  6. O Cupid looke about thee
  7. For two citherens in the unison (A jigge for two citherens)
  8. A ground
  9. Pipers Galiard
  10. A psalms
  11. Philips Pavin
  12. A Galiard
  13. A Galiard: Can she excuse my wrongs
  14. A Galiard
  15. A psalms
  16. Passamezzo Paven
  17. Often I have forsworne her company
  18. Galliard to the Quadron Pavin
  19. To Almaine
  20. A French toy
  21. excuse me
  22. Robinson Idelsbie
  23. Shepard shoot home
  24. Ioan come kiss me now
  25. A psalms
  26. Passamezzo Galiard
  27. The new hunts up
  28. Souches March
  29. Whetelies wheat-sheafe
  30. O hone
  31. To Almaine
  32. To Almaine
  33. Robinsons modicum
  34. To Almaine
  35. Farewell deare love
  36. Alexander Chezum his curranta
  37. Robart's request
  38. The Quadro Pavin
  39. For two citharens
  40. What if a day
  41. Ah, alas, thou God of Gods
  42. Now Cupid looke about thee
  43. Pauuana Passamezzo
  44. Mr. North his Novell
  45. Fantasia
  46. Fantasia 2
  47. Fantasia 3
  48. Fantasia 4


  • William Casey (Ed.), Alfredo Colman (Ed.), Thomas Robinson: New Citharen Lessons (1609) , 1997 Baylor University Press, Waco, Texas, ISBN 0-918954-65-7
  • G. Doc Rossi, Cittern Music of Thomas Robinson, 2007 Cetra Publishing, Michigan, USA. [contains New Citharen Lessons plus all known pieces in manuscripts. 2 volumes - Vol. I Tablature. Vol. II Commentary and transcriptions. Available in print and as eBook.]