New Games

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New Games (dt. New games ) are in the US for the educational games developed kind of games, their essential difference from known group games is that there are no "winners" or "losers", similar to cooperative games . The aim is usually to increase or promote the group dynamics of the players involved. So are New Games also good as Kennenlern- or merging Games new groups of people.

In the New Games you usually don't need any special skills to be "successful", such as being particularly athletic in football . Achieving a game goal - if available - is only possible with the cooperation of all participants or in groups. Playing new games should create a good mood for all involved by addressing childish play instincts. However, this can also be perceived as silliness in some groups if they cannot get involved in the exuberant way.

New games are the content and expression of a game movement. They emerged in the 1960s as part of a general counterculture to established bourgeois life in the USA. In Europe, the "New Games" became known without this social aspect and were presented to a large audience at large gaming festivals. The motto of the New Games is: play intensely - play fair - don't hurt anyone!

They see themselves as an alternative to performance-oriented sport that is differentiated according to gender and age. The basic idea is that everyone will play with each other and no one will be excluded. This should create a sense of community that requires cooperation and trust. It's always about playing together, not about competition, victory and performance. Play mobiles often offer new games , such as the swing cloth .

The difference between new games and conventional games lies in the value given to real competition and the effort made to achieve it. Competition and the desire to win must not degenerate into obsession. The opponent should be a partner, without him a game is not possible. In the New Games , the competition is kept alive by having equally strong opponents. This creates a balance and allows fair competition.

Web links


  • Le Fevre, Dale / Strong, Todd (1994): New games, parachute games. Mülheim an der Ruhr: Verlag an der Ruhr ISBN 3-86072-125-9
  • Fluegelman, Andrew / Tembeck, Shoshana (1996): New games. Die neue Spiele Vol. 1. 18th edition. Mülheim an der Ruhr: Verlag an der Ruhr ISBN 3-86072-000-7
  • Fluegelman, Andrew (1996): The new games vol. 2. 12th edition. Mülheim an der Ruhr: Verlag an der Ruhr ISBN 3-86072-001-5