Not employable beneficiary

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In Germany , the concept of employable beneficiary is a concept from the law of basic security for job seekers in Book II of the Social Code ( SGB ​​II ). It serves to differentiate from a person who is not able to work and who, unlike the person who is able to work, has no original entitlement to benefits under SGB II, but derives his entitlement to benefits from the fact that he lives with a person who is able to work in a community of need .

Unemployed beneficiaries (nEf)

All persons within a community of needs (BG) who are not yet of working age (under 15 years of age), due to their health or possible legal restrictions, are not able to work at least 3 hours a day under the usual conditions of the general labor market , as non-employable members (nEf) of a BG can receive benefits if they are in need of help.

In contrast to the nEf according to SGB II, the non-employable people who do not live in a BG with employable beneficiaries receive social assistance benefits according to SGB ​​XII .