Nineteen Fifty What?

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Nineteen Fifty What? is an unpublished short story by the British writer Roald Dahl (1916–1990), written in 1950. In the story, two opaque diplomats come to Washington . They inform the President of the United States that they have dropped atomic bombs in fifty-three American cities. The diplomats will detonate the atomic bombs if the United States does not withdraw its troops from Japan .

According to Donald Sturrock (* 1961), Dahl had almost prophetic insights, as he had already written in the short story Nineteen Fifty What? foresaw a form of the contemporary and also present terrorism of the urban guerrilla .

See also


  • Donald Sturrock: Storyteller. The Life of Roald Dahl, London 2016

Web links

References and comments

  1. Sturrock, p. 628
  2. Sturrock, p. 257
  3. Donald Sturrock - biography
  4. Sturrock, p. 257