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Ninon is a female given name. He is the French form of Nina . For a further explanation of the etymology see Nina # Origin .


  • Ninon Colneric (born August 29, 1948 in Oer-Erkenschwick), German legal scholar and former judge at the European Court of Justice
  • Ninon Held (born August 8, 1970 in France), German actress
  • Ninon Hesse , previously Ninon Dolbin, born foreigner (born September 18, 1895 in Czernowitz (then Austria-Hungary), † September 22, 1966 in Montagnola), art historian and the third wife of Hermann Hesse.
  • Ninon Lapeiretta Pichardo de Brouwer (born January 4, 1907 in Santo Domingo, † 1989 ibid), Dominican composer and pianist
  • Ninon de Lenclos , own Anne (born November 10, 1620 in Paris, † October 17, 1705 ibid), French courtesan and salonière.

supporting documents

  1. Birgit Adam: The most beautiful international first names. Retrieved April 1, 2013 .