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Nisroch is a deity mentioned in the Old Testament , in whose temple in Nineveh King Sennacherib of Assyria in 681 BC. BC was slain by his sons ( 2 Kings 19.37  EU par. Isa 37.38  EU ).

Extra-biblically he is known as a man who was raised to the stand of God and received the head of an eagle.

It has not yet been possible to interpret the name and function of the deity satisfactorily. Some associate him with the Mesopotamian god Ninurta .

In John Milton's book Paradise Lost , Nisroch is a prince or leader of fallen and rebellious angels.


  • Conrad Iken (Praes.), Lüder Kulenkamp (Resp.): Dissertatio theologico-philologica. De Nisroch, idolo Assyriorum, quam favente summo numine sacrae praeviam eucharistiae . Janus, Bremen 1747.