Non-financial entities

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Non-financial entities (NFE, dt. : Non-financial entities ) are entities that are not financial institutions ( Engl. : Financial Institution , FI) are. If non-financial entities are based abroad , they are also referred to as non-financial foreign entities (NFFE, German: foreign non-financial entities ).


NFEs can be either active or passive. Passive NFEs are typically NFEs that are not active NFEs. Active NFE can e.g. B. be:

  • Legal entity with active business operations,
  • a holding company of subsidiaries with active business operations,
  • a listed company,
  • a government
  • an international organization ,
  • a central bank or e.g. B.
  • an organization ( NGO ) active in the country of domicile exclusively for religious, non-profit, scientific, artistic, cultural, sporting or educational purposes .

Passive NFEs can e.g. Be for example: devices in which more than 50% of the gross revenue for the previous calendar year were obtained from passive income, a foundation or a trust that no financial institutions as well as under circumstances notaries , law firms , Wirtschaftstreuhand companies etc.

The distinction between active and passive NFEs is important, as financial institutions have to collect, document and report extensive data, especially from accounts of passive NFEs or the beneficial owners (beneficial owners) behind them.

Individual evidence

  1. See also for the distinction: Non-financial corporate entities
  2. According to FATCA : Foreign Financial Institution, FFI, i.e. all financial institutions that are not US financial institutions.
  3. Especially outside the USA according to FATCA.
  4. Selected examples according to Common Reporting Standard , CSR. The definition according to FATCA differs in part.
  5. See also the criteria: CRS-related Frequently Asked Questions , website of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from December 2017, p. 20, point 2.
  6. This can e.g. B. be: interest , dividends , income from licenses , rental income, income from contributions to insurance contracts, etc.