Nonverbal image measurement

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In non-verbal image measurement (NVI), visual or sometimes acoustic stimuli are used to measure images . The respondents are asked to assign images or music sequences to brands .

In contrast, verbal image research forces the respondents to describe their internal images using individual word stimuli. These are subsequently combined to form an overall picture. The resulting interfaces can lead to translation problems during transmission:

  1. The market researcher translates visual stimuli into word stimuli with which he conducts his studies.
  2. The creative in turn translates word stimuli into visual stimuli and images.

This translation is risky, creates the possibility of errors and complicates the advertising process.

Advantages of non-verbal image measurement

  • The results are easier to understand and interpret.
  • A visual briefing is possible for the creative.
  • Translation errors can be avoided in multinational studies.
  • The interview is more varied for the respondents, they do not tire as much.

Disadvantages of non-verbal image measurement

  • Relatively time-consuming and sometimes costly search and production of image material
  • Relatively young and not yet fully investigated in terms of the advantages over verbal image measurement
  • Aptitude primarily for cognitively-rationally controlled brand selection

At the Institute for Advertising Science and Market Research at the Vienna University of Economics and Business , non-verbal methods are used to measure image . Approximately 1200 images are available in the institute's image database. Around 40 studies on the subject of Austria's image in the world were carried out at this institute and the hypothesis that image stimuli discriminate better than word stimuli could be confirmed. Other results that emerged from these studies were that images less often lead to courtesy statements or socially desirable answers and that it can be assumed that one and the same image triggers similar emotions in fundamentally different countries. Practical benefits arise from the standardization of all export-oriented advertising efforts, which brings a number of advantages with it, ranging from cost-saving effects and message standardization to the consistent creation of a world identity .


  • S. Schlegl: Nonverbal attitude measurement - benefits for behavioral brand controlling . Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 9783834928436 .
  • S. Schlegl: The benefits of non-verbal image and attitude measurement for brand controlling , dissertation, Vienna 2010.
  • G. Schweiger, G. Schrattenecker: Advertising . Lucius and Lucius, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 3825213706 .
  • C. Wusst: PhD thesis: Approaches to measuring image and attitudes using the example of Austria , Vienna 1987.
  • Development of a standardized method of non-verbal image measurement for branded articles . In: Transfer Advertising Research & Practice . 5/1986
  • Nonverbal image measurement . In: Transfer Advertising Research & Practice . 4/1985

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