Number range

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A number range is a defined sequence of elements to be sorted in a group. However, the sequence of numbers does not need to be an ascending number, nor does it have to start with the number 1.

Number ranges are used to number a wide variety of objects, for example identification papers , pharmacy products or spacecraft , and also in bookkeeping and accounting in the form of invoice numbers . The number assigned to the object is used to identify it .



The sales tax law provides for consecutive numbering of invoices in a company:

"An invoice must contain the following information: [...] a consecutive number with one or more series of numbers that is issued once by the invoice issuer to identify the invoice (invoice number)."

A current sales tax application decree, however, also allows incomplete sequences of invoice numbers, combinations of digits with letters and separate number ranges. It is essential that no invoice number is assigned twice.


In IT (for example in office applications, typesetting systems, but also in general databases ) the numbering of similar objects is also referred to as a number range, such as the separate numbering of tables and figures in OpenOffice .

From a technical point of view, the implementation of a continuous counter is the simplest solution to form an identifier in many examples . Such numbers are often part of an automatic identification and data acquisition .

Retail products

Retail goods are marked with a UPC number range in which the numbers are displayed in a barcode .

Individual evidence

  1. Dominik Ley: Founders World number range , accessed on March 6, 2020.
  2. Section 14 (4) sentence 1 no. 4 UStG
  4. Moritz Buhl: Invoice number: The number with the number January 5, 2018.
  5. number range Open, as of 28 April 2013