Well (Mesopotamia)

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Nun ( Sumerian NUN, Nun; Akkadian rubû; "Herr / Herrin, Fürst / Fürstin") is used in various functions as an epithet , character and divine determinative .

As an epithet, it stands for the deities An , Enlil , Enki / Ea and Nanna / Sin , with the moon god Nanna / Sin coming first. As a character, "Nun" is used to form mostly male god names. So far, Nungal , Nun-bar-schegunu , Nun-mua , D Nun-na- [DI] , D NUN.TUG , Nun-urdudu and possibly also NUN.sikur have been documented as female deities . In D Ninki / Nunki the forms of NUN and NIN alternate. On the other hand, the use of NUN / Nun as a divine determinative is less common, for example Eridu is written as Enki's cult place NUN KI .

See also
