Nutcracker (pastry)

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Nutcrackers are flat, round baked goods with whole or roughly chopped nut kernels, mostly hazelnuts . A roasted mass made from sugar and fats, including milk or cream , either forms the body of the pastry, baked in rings, or spread on a base made of shortcrust pastry . The underside is coated with couverture .

According to the guiding principles for fine baked goods of the German Food Book, the mass may contain a maximum of 5% flour. It may only be coated with couverture.

See also Florentines (pastries)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ IREKS Arkady Institute for Bakery Science (ed.): IREKS ABC of the bakery. 4th edition. Institute for Bakery Science, Kulmbach 1985
  2. ^ German food book, guidelines for fine baked goods