Obvodny Canal

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The Obvodny Canal near Warsaw Railway Station
View of the Obvodny Canal from the Novo Kalinkin Bridge. April 2016

The Obvodny Canal ( Russian Обводный канал ) is the largest canal of Saint Petersburg in Russia . It connects the Neva with the Jekateringofka River.

The canal is 8.08 km long and 21.3 m wide (in the eastern part up to 42.6 m). Its depth is up to 3 m.

It was originally laid out to defend the city against the floods between 1769 and 1780. In 1805 it was lengthened and enlarged, and it was navigable from 1835 to the beginning of the 20th century.

Web links

Commons : Obwodny-Kanal  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files