Odile Mill

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The mill after the renovation phase in 2006

The Odilienmühle or small mill in the old town of Göttingen was built in the 12th century.

The mill was first mentioned in a document in 1305 in a letter from Duke Albrecht dem Feisten . In the letter, the Duke granted the city the right to be a grinding mill . At that time the mill was owned by the Lords of Adelebsen . In 1371 it was bought by the city of Göttingen.

The mill is located on the Leine Canal and was outside the old wall fortifications. It was only with the construction of the ramparts (1362 to 1577) that it was included in the city fortifications from 1541 and was thus able to secure supplies for the population in times of war. The mill was continuously leased by the city of Göttingen. In the 14th century the annual rent was around 18 marks.

The current mill building dates from 1766/67, the technology is about a century younger. After several modifications, the mill was partially in operation until 1945.

The current owner renovated the building in 2005/06. The mill wheel was also restored and turned again with the financial contribution of the city of Göttingen, but without any connection to the former mill technology inside the building. Today the listed building houses a restaurant and offices.

Coordinates: 51 ° 31 '47.9 "  N , 9 ° 55' 55.29"  O