Open C-tuning

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The Open C tuning is a Scordatura the guitar . The strings of the instrument are tuned in such a way that a C major chord sounds when the open strings are struck.

The tuning

Starting from the normal tuning (E - A - d - g - h - e 1 ) you get the open C tuning (C - G - c - g - c 1  - e 1 ) as follows:

  • The sixth string (bass string) is tuned two whole tones lower to C.
  • The fifth string is tuned a whole tone lower to G.
  • The fourth string is tuned a whole tone lower on C.
  • The third string remains unchanged on g.
  • The second string is tuned a semitone higher on c 1 .
  • The first string remains unchanged on e 1

Fingering chart

By tapping all the strings with the help of a finger (full barre grip or T- handle) you get the other major chords of the chromatic scale - on the 1st fret C sharp major (D flat major), on the 2nd fret D major until you get reached C major again on the 12th fret.

The following is a fingering table of common chords, whereby further combinations result which are not shown here for reasons of space. The numbers indicate the frets of the strings to be picked, starting with the bass string. Strings marked with x are not struck.

C. 000000 000543
Cm 000033 003033 003003 300003
C7 000300 030000 000343
D. 222222
Dm 222255 575755 xx2221
D7 222522 xx0765
E. 444444
Em 444477 x04443
E7 444744
F. 555555 020201 xx0 10 98
Fm 555588 010101 xx5554
F7 555855
G 777777 202023
Gm 7777 10 10 x02323 xx7776
A. 999999 x21210
At the 9999 12 12 020200

Open C tuning of other instruments

Instruments from the cistern family are also often tuned in open C tuning. Please refer to the article Open Moods at Cistern .


  • Bill Sethares: Alternate Tuning Guide. Ed .: William A. Sethares. University of Wisconsin; Department of Electrical Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin, Open Tunings , S. 16–19 (English, [PDF; 584 kB ; accessed on December 31, 2017]).

Web links

Wikibooks: Guitar  - Learning and Teaching Materials

Individual evidence

  1. Lars Dahlke: Open Tuning / Altered Tuning - Guitar Workshop - Open-D, Open-G and Open-C :: . In: - the musicians' portal . ( [accessed December 31, 2017]).
  2. Bill Sethares: Alternate tunings for Guitar. Retrieved December 31, 2017 .