Ohr reads along

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Ohr reads with is a concept for the reading and listening promotion of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels , in which children and young people can deal creatively with literature over a longer period of time and produce short audio pieces from it. The competition aims to encourage children and young people to transform what they have read or what they have written into something audible, i.e. to become producers of a radio play themselves.

Goal of the competition

Intensive and creative engagement with texts and language is intended to convey and promote the ability to speak and listen as the basis of perception, mediation and communication, as well as media competence and the ability to work in a team.

Participation and competition idea

To actively participate, children and young people read a book on the topic of the competition, which changes every year, and convert what they have read into a radio play or make it the basis of a feature . The basis can also be a self-written story. The object of the project work is either the staging of a book passage as a radio play or the development and implementation of your own journalistic contribution. The starting point for each recording is a manuscript that is submitted together with the result. In this way, literature is further developed creatively in the media network and made audible for others. The personal reading experience creates a creative teamwork that is accessible to a wider public. The audio pieces should not exceed seven minutes in length and clearly relate to an annual theme. Children and young people up to the age of 16 can take part.


  • 2005: Looking into the future - what will happen tomorrow?
  • 2006: How do you live elsewhere? - Listen around!
  • 2007: Family ties - How do we want to live?
  • 2008: Doesn't even exist - fairies, dragons, monsters & Co.
  • 2009: City, country, river - does the environment play a role?

Jury and prizes

The Ohr reads with jury consists of actors, athletes, speakers, television and radio presenters or publishing staff who have personal access to speaking, reading and listening to stories. The criteria for assessing the audio pieces are:

  • Originality and creativity
  • Independence and teamwork
  • Conclusion and authenticity
  • Relation to the topic and to reading

The competition entries are judged in two categories for ages 6 to 10 and 11 to 16 years.

Web links