Omega restricted space

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In the mathematical sub-area of topology , the restriction denotes a weakening of the concept of compactness, which is central to the theory of topological spaces .


A topological space is called -bounded if every countable subset is contained in a compact subset. Often it is also required that the room is Hausdorff-like . We don't follow that here.

Connection with other compactness terms

  • Any compact space is limited.
  • Every restricted space is countably compact .
  • For metrizable spaces, the terms compact, limited and countable compact are all equivalent. In particular, -constraint is therefore synonymous with compactness for all subsets of the .


  • If one considers the ordinal number space with order topology , whereby the first uncountable ordinal number denotes, then this topological space is limited, but not compact.
  • Likewise, the long straight line , which is closely related to the previous example, is limited but not compact.


  • Closed subsets of -restricted spaces are -restricted.
  • Any products of -restricted spaces are -restricted. This is generally not true for countably compact spaces.

Connection with 2-manifolds and the Bagpipe theorem

A 2-manifold is a Hausdorff space that is locally homeomorphic to the Euclidean plane . Usually, second countability is also required. Since such spaces can always be embedded in one , they are equivalent to -restriction and compactness. The -constraint (i.e. compact) 2-manifolds are all completely classified: Each of these is created from a sphere by sticking a finite number of handles or cross-hoods (see classification of surfaces ).

If one leaves out the second countability in the definition of the manifold, then there are significantly more -bounded 2-manifolds. The Bagpipe Theorem (on German about bagpipes -Satz) by Peter Nyikos states that any such diversity still arises from a finite number of steps from a sphere by Henkel, cross-caps or so-called long pipes (English long pipes) from sticking, which with imagination a resemblance to a bagpipe emerges. We will not give the exact definition of a long pipe here.


  • David Gauld: Nonmetrisable Manifolds. Springer, Auckland 2014
  • Peter Nyikos: The theory of nonmetrizable manifolds. in Kunen, K., Vaughan, JE (eds.) Handbook of Set-Theoretic Topology , pp. 634-684, Amsterdam 1984

Individual evidence

  1. Gauld: Nonmetrisable Manifolds. 2014, definition 4.6.
  2. Gauld: Nonmetrisable Manifolds. 2014, Lemma 4.9.
  3. Gauld: Nonmetrisable Manifolds. 2014, Corollary 4.8.
  4. Engelking: General Topology. 1989, Example 3.10.19.
  5. Gauld: Nonmetrisable Manifolds. 2014, Theorem A.49.
  6. Gauld: Nonmetrisable Manifolds. 2014, Theorem 4.18.