Optatus of Thamugadi

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Optatus von Thamugadi was from 388 to 398 Donatist bishop in the city of Thamugadi ( Timgad ) in the Roman province of Numidia .

He plays an important role in the anti-Donatist polemics of Augustine , who at that time was bishop in Hippo Regius . Optatus is associated both with the militant Circumcellions , who are considered supporters of the Donatists, and with the renegade Roman general Gildo . Augustine blames Optatus for attacks on Catholics, but also on intra-Donatist opponents, the Maximinianists.


  • William Frend : The Donatist Church. A movement of protest in Roman North Africa . Oxford 1951, pp. 208ff.
  • Enim Tengström: Donatists and Catholics, social, economic and political aspects of a North African church division . (= Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia 18) Göteborg 1964, p. 84ff. and 101f.
  • William Frend: Optatus of Thamugadi . In: Encyclopedia of the Early Church , Cambridge 1992, Vol. 2, p. 613.
  • Zeev Rubin : Mass movements in Late Antiquity - Appearences and realities . In: Irad Malkin, ZW Rubinsohn (Ed.): Leaders and masses in the Roman world. Studies in honor of Zvi Yavetz . Brill, Leiden u. a. 1995, ISBN 90-04-09917-4 , pp. 129-187 (on Optatus pp. 172ff.).
  • Otto Wermelinger: Optatus 4th In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 8, Metzler, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-476-01478-9 , Sp. 1269.

Individual evidence

  1. Augustinus, epistula 87, 4 as well as Contra Litteras Petiliani 2, 6, 13 and a.
  2. Augustine, Contra litteras Petiliani 2, 83, 184 and 2, 35, 82 and 1, 10, 11.