PCSI (class)

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The PCSI class ( classe préparatoire Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'Ingénieur ) is one of the various first-year classes of post- graduate science classes in France .
It is a shortening of Physics - Chemistry - Engineering (SI in French).

hours per week

Each week the students have:

  • 10 hours of math
  • 8 hours of physics
  • 6 hours of chemistry
  • 4 hours of engineering (SI)
  • 2 hours of French and philosophy
  • 2 hours of foreign language
  • 4 hours of class work
  • 2 hours of oral exam
  • 1 hour of computer science
  • TIPE ( Travaux d'initiative personnelle encadrés = work framed by personal impetus) in the 2nd semester
  • Elective: 2 hours of second foreign language
  • 2 hours of sport

In December a choice will have to be made by the students: either physics and chemistry classes or SI classes will be increased.

See also