PHP data objects

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PHP Data Objects, or PDO for short, represents an abstraction level for database access and enables PHP to access different SQL -based databases, such as MySQL , PostgreSQL or SQLite . Among other things, the porting effort when switching to another database is minimized. Only the database access is abstracted, not the database itself. A database-specific driver is required for the database to be used.


PDO has an object-oriented structure and, in contrast to its counterpart MySQLi, cannot be used procedurally . The object-oriented environment makes it easier for developers to expand the interface functionality.

With PDO, developers have the option of using so-called prepared statements for database instructions . In addition, PDO standardizes the code syntax for sending SQL statements (database queries based on SQL syntax) and processing the result relations obtained. Appropriate methods are provided for this, for example

 PDO::beginTransaction() // erstellt eine neue Transaktion
 PDO::prepare()     // erstellt ein neues prepared statement
 PDOStatement::fetch()  // liest die nächste Zeile der Ergebnisrelation ein

For a complete reference, see the official PHP documentation.


PHP Data Objects have been an integral part of the language since PHP 5.1. Since PDO is based on the new, more object-oriented approaches of PHP 5, it has only been possible to use it since this version. Before that, the software could be implemented as a PECL module .

See also

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