PM Metafile

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Presentation Manager Metafile ( MET ) is a proprietary metafile graphic format developed by IBM and Microsoft . It is designed for the exchange of graphics on various programs away and finds, among other things used in the OS / 2 - clipboard and the utility display image files . If graphics are saved in MET format, the files have the three-letter filename extension “.met”. MET is a 16-bit format that was introduced with OS / 2 1.1.

MET is a vector-based file format. This means that sharp edges remain sharp even after any enlargement. In addition, areas can be filled with raster graphics .

A metafile contains a number of attributes that are often used to determine properties such as the shape, color, and size of a drawing. For example, two print jobs from the be under OS / printer drivers of the Presentation Manager stored in the metafile format before sending it to the printer.

See also