Pace (unit)

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The pace was an English measure of length and the step measure. A distinction was made between three different dimensions.

  • 1 Pace geometrical or step = 5 foot (Engl.)
  • 1 pace geographical = 6 1/12 feet (engl.)
  • 1 pace or fathom = 6 feet = 675¾ Paris lines = 1.524376 meters

According to another source, there was only one variant and the measure was 2½ feet.


  • Johann Georg Krünitz , Friedrich Jakob Flörke, Heinrich Gustav Flörke, Johann Wilhelm David Korth, Carl Otto Hoffmann, Ludwig Kossarski: Economic Encyclopedia. Volume 105, Joachim Pauli, Berlin 1807, p. 729.

Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Erdmann Petri: Handbook of foreign words in German written and colloquial language, for understanding and avoiding those, more or less dispensable interferences, with an inserted name interpreter and a list of foreign word abbreviations, along with the signs of the art of cutting and astronomy: Arnoldische Buchhandlung, Leipzig 1863. p. 558.