
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The palpiger (lat. Palpare = "to stroke, touch", palpus = " feeler, curry " and -ger = "-bearing") is a structure on the stipes of the labium of the mouthparts of the insects , on which the lip palpus (palpus labialis) rests . It is formed by its own sclerite and, depending on the type and group, can be very different and also absent.

supporting documents

  1. a b c Palpiger. In: Herder-Lexikon der Biologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0354-5 .
  2. ^ Gerhard Seifert: Entomological internship. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1975, ISBN 3-13-455002-4 , p. 266.