Paper (king)

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Paper was a Nubian king from Old Dunqula .

Paper is known only from an inscription that was scratched on the stucco wall in Banganarti Church . This inscription can be dated to the 14th century with the stucco. The ruler describes himself there as Paper, king of the city of Tungul . Tungul is the Nubian name of Old Dunqula. This royal title has not yet been used. The end of the Makuria empire is still in the dark, but this short inscription is of particular importance to the understanding of the time. Apparently the empire of Makuria disintegrated into smaller units in the 14th century and Old Dunqula, the former capital was not given up, as previously assumed, but seems to have existed for a while as a city-state with a king.

See also


  • Adam Lajtar: Banganarti 2004, Inscriptions, Polish Archeology in the Mediterranean XVI (2006), 309-312