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Paraclimbing is climbing for people with disabilities. The athletes are divided into different categories, each with further sub-categories, depending on the type and degree of their handicap, in order to ensure that their sporting performance can be compared.


German Alpine Club

The German Alpine Association defines the following categories:

  • Category A: amputees and athletes with other physical disabilities
  • Category B: visually impaired athletes
  • Category C: other types of disability.


The International Federation of Sport Climbing differentiates between the classes Visual , Amputee and Limited range, power or stability , whereby these are divided into three or four categories.

IFSC Paraclimbing Classes and Categories
class category disability Exemplary photo
Visual B1 blindness B1
B2 Visual acuity ⩽ 2/60 or visual field ⩽ 5%
B3 Visual acuity ⩽6 / 60 or visual field ⩽ 20%
Amputee AL-1 Amputation / malformation of two legs AL-2
AL-2 Amputation / malformation of one leg
AU-1 Amputation / malformation of one arm or two arms AU-2
AU-2 Amputation / malformation of a forearm or hand
Limited range, power or stability RP1 Hypertension , muscle strength , ataxia (in various forms) RP3

Web links

Commons : Paraclimbing World Championship 2018 in Innsbruck  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Deutscher Alpenverein eV (DAV): Keyword: Paraclimbing-What is Paraclimbing? - Panorama-Magazin - Services - German Alpine Club (DAV). Retrieved September 11, 2018 .
  2. Rules 2018. (PDF, 1.6 MB) IFSC, April 2018, pp. 81–91 , accessed November 2018 (English).