Parke-Taylor formula

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The Parke-Taylor formula , after Stephen Parke and Tomasz Taylor , is a formula in quantum chromodynamics . It gives the matrix element of a scattering of color-ordered gluons , of which exactly have the same helicity , in the lowest order of perturbation theory . These scattering processes are called maximum helicity violating (MHV) scattering amplitudes, since matrix elements in which all gluons have the same or only one gluon different helicity are identical zero.

The Parke-Taylor formula is:

It denotes:

  • the color-ordered matrix element,
  • the helicity of the gluons involved and
  • with the four-pulse of the gluons involved and any real number , as long as the pulses of the gluons themselves are real.

The matrix element for the case that the two gluons are positive helicity can be calculated by complex conjugation of the above formula, since quantum chromodynamics is parity invariant .

Compared to a direct calculation using Feynman diagrams , the Parke and Taylor result is remarkably simple. The proof of the Parke-Taylor formula takes place via recursion in the spinor-helicity formalism and was carried out in 1988 by Frederik Berends and Walter Giele .

Individual evidence

  1. Stephen Parke and Tomasz Taylor: Amplitude for -Gluon Scattering . In: Physical Review Letters . tape 56 , no. 23 , 1986, pp. 2459-2460 , doi : 10.1103 / PhysRevLett.56.2459 (English).
  2. ^ Matthew D. Schwartz: Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014, ISBN 978-1-107-03473-0 , pp. 550 (English).
  3. Frederik Berends and Walter Giele: Recursive Calculations for Processes with Gluons . In: Nuclear Physics B . tape 306 , no. 4 , 1988, pp. 759-808 , doi : 10.1016 / 0550-3213 (88) 90442-7 (English).