Spinor-helicity formalism

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The spinor-helicity formalism , also Weyl-van-der-Waerden-formalism after Hermann Weyl and Bartel Leendert van der Waerden , is an alternative mathematical formulation of quantum field theories based on the use of spinors and invariants of the special linear group instead of the use based on four-vectors and invariants of the Lorentz group .


Group theory of the Lorentz group

In 3 + 1 space-time -Dimensionen the real Lorentz group is isomorphic to complex specific linear array in two dimensions . This means that each group element of the Lorentz group can be assigned an element of the complex special linear group and each vector in the real four-dimensional space-time on which the Lorentz group operates, a matrix in the space of complex matrices on which the special linear group operated on. This transition occurs through the four Pauli matrices . Let be a four-vector, then:

The Greek indices denote Lorentz indices that run from 0 to 3, while the Latin indices are called spinor indices and run from 1 to 2. The reverse transformation from to works via

The Lorentz variable is translated via

with the totally antisymmetric Levi Civita symbol . In particular,


The group operation of an element of the Lorentz group with a Lorentz matrix translates as

with . The matrices are for rotations around an axis with the angle

and for Lorentz boosts along an axis with rapidity

where denotes the matrix exponential .

This can be generalized to the complex Lorentz group that operates on . Then the isomorphism applies and does not necessarily have to be the same and it does not have to apply.


From it follows that a light-like vector translates into a matrix without full rank . Since is the dimension of two, it follows provided that is. Therefore, the dyadic product can be written:

Both and are two-dimensional objects called spinors . The spinor is called holomorphic spinor, the spinor antiholomorphic spinor. An explicit representation of these spinors reads:

In particular, the spinors can be respectively rescaled by a factor without this changing the matrix . It can be seen that the two spinors are adjoint as long as the vector is real. In the following it is assumed that all vectors that occur are light-like.

A scalar product of two four-vectors can therefore be written as

to be written. In this sense, the Levi-Civita symbols take on the role of the metric in the . It applies


Analogous to the Bra-Ket notation , the notation for the spinors is:

In particular, is due to the antisymmetry of the Levi-Civita symbol


A space- or time-like vector can always be by means of

can be decomposed into two light-like vectors. In this example it is called auxiliary vector.

Physical implication


With the help of the spinor-helicity formalism, the solution of the Dirac equation is trivial. The Dirac equation is:

Where is the momentum of the particle and the Dirac matrices . The approach or leads to


for particles or antiparticles. In the Weyl representation, the following applies

On the mass shell is also space-like and must therefore be decomposed, so that the Dirac equation in the spinor-helicity formalism

with an auxiliary "vector" is. It follows


as solutions to the eigenvalue problem. The Dirac spinors are normalized so that . In the massive case, the spinors are particularly dependent on the choice of the auxiliary vector; not in the massless case.

Vector bosons

The Maxwell equations

with the polarization vector has the two solutions


where applies. The normalization was chosen so that the two solutions are orthonormal.

The Proca equation for massive vector bosons has the additional solution

which corresponds to the longitudinal polarization mode.

Individual evidence

  1. Eduardo Conde and Andrea Marzolla: Lorentz Constraints on Massive Three-Point Amplitudes . arxiv : 1601.08113 .
  2. ^ Matthew D. Schwartz: Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014, ISBN 978-1-107-03473-0 , pp. 537 (English).
  3. Timothy Cohen, Henriette Elvang and Michael Kiermaier: On-shell constructibility of tree amplitudes in general field theories . arxiv : 1010.0257 .