Participe passé

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The participe passé is a verb form from the French language . It is a participle which is necessary to form different tenses and modes .

Formation of the participe passé

  • for regular verbs with the ending -er : stem + é (for example travailler - travaillé (work))
  • for regular verbs with the ending -ir : stem + i ; or infinitive without -r (for example atterrir - atterri (land))
  • for regular verbs with the ending -re : stem + u (for example descendre - descendu (to go down), paraître - paru (to appear))
  • for regular verbs with the ending -oir : stem + u (for example vouloir - voulu (to want))
  • with irregular verbs you have to learn the participle (for example avoir - eu (to have), être - été (to be), faire - fait (to do), rire - ri (to laugh), dire - dit (to say), devoir - ( must), naître - (to be born), vivre - vécu (to live), mourir - mort (to die))


The participe passé is required to form the following verb forms:




  • Conditionnel passé - S'il avait pensé, il aurait eu pensé.



In compound verb forms, the participe passé is conjugated either with avoir or with être, depending on the verb .

  • The participe passé of most verbs is conjugated with avoir - J ' ai dit.
  • Some verbs are conjugated with être - Je suis descendu (e).
  • Reflexive verbs are conjugated with être - Je me suis fâché (e).

The inflection of the participe passé in these examples is explained in the following sections.


Inflection at être

Participes passés conjugated with être are adapted to the subject . This is not the case for participes passés conjugated with avoir :

  • Nous sommes allé (e) s . - Conjugation with être , subject in the plural
  • But: Nous avons donné . - Conjugation with avoir , no inflection despite the subject in the plural

Inflection in the complément d'objet direct

If the verb belonging to participe passé is preceded by a complément d'objet direct (COD), the participe passé will be adapted to this COD. In this case, it does not matter whether the conjugation takes place with avoir or être . With the complément d'objet indirect (COI), however, there is no flexion of participe passé:

  • Je les ai vu (e) s . - the COD "les" comes before the verb.
  • Voici les gens que tu as vu (e) s . - the COD "les gens" comes before the verb.
  • But: Je leur ai donné les livres. - the COD "les livres" comes after the verb, "leur" is a COI.
  • Mixed form: Je les leur ai donné (e) s . - the COD "les" in front of the verb requires the inflection of participe passé even if there is also a COI (in this case "leur" ) in front of the verb.

Flexion in reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs are conjugated with être and normally require a COD related to the subject before the verb, the participe passé is therefore also adapted in these cases.

  • Nous nous sommes demandé (e) s . - Subject “nous” and COD “nous” are both plural.
  • Je me suis demandé (e) . - Subject “je” and COD “me” require a flexion of participe passé in the feminine .

Masculine and feminine plural

The feminine plural is only formed when the inflection refers exclusively to female subjects and / or CODs. In all other cases where a flexion of the participé passé is required, the masculine plural is used.

  • Les femmes sont parti es en vacances. - Conjugation with “être” , exclusively feminine subjects require feminine inflection.
  • Les cent femmes et leur chien sont parti s en vacances. - Subjects that are not exclusively female require masculine inflection.
  • Ma femme et moi nous sommes demandé s . - with reflexive verbs
  • Concernant les filles et le garçon, je les ai fait s monter. - for mixed-sex COD

See also