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A pediculocide (Latin pedikulozidum - lice remedy) is understood to be an active ingredient for the treatment of lice infestation, in particular by head lice (pediculosis capitis). Pediculocides are applied to the hair as a tincture, shampoo, lotion, spray and also cream and can contain the active ingredients permethrin , pyrethrin or silicone oil . Some pediculocides are not suitable for young children and sensitive skin types.

Pharmacologically effective preparations usually have a direct effect on the nervous systems of the lice and lead to a paralysis of the metabolic functions , which leads to the death of the parasites within a few hours. Physically acting preparations block the microventilation of the lice and their larvae . This suffocates them after a few hours.

As a rule, two applications one week apart are sufficient for both groups of preparations to kill both the parents and the next generation. Nevertheless, the applications should be accompanied by regular combing out using a nit comb. Side effects only occur in the case of hypersensitivity to a chemical component or in the event of improper use. In the last few years, however, resistance of lice to nerve toxins has increased, the significance of which is still unclear in Germany.


  1. ^ H. Meier: Medical dictionary: German - Latin. Roderer Verlag, 2004, ISBN 3-89783-435-9 , p. 224, (online)
  2. E. Martin: Act early and consistently with head lice. In: Pharmaceutical newspaper online. Govi-Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag, Eschborn, 20/2007. (on-line)
  3. R. Leinmüller: Pediculosis capitis: New pediculocide causes head lice to suffocate. In: Dtsch Arztebl. Volume 104, No. 31–32, 2007, pp. A-2218, (online)
  4. ↑ NEWS section: Acute: Fight the head lice. In: Dtsch Arztebl. Volume 104, No. 22, 2007, pp. A-1542 / B-1370 / C-1310. (on-line)