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In pekoppa (Jap.ペコッぱ, compositionペコペコpekopeko , ideophone "s.verneigen" +葉ha "sheet") is, to a toy plant of the Japanese company Sega Toys that responds to human speech by movements.

The two-petalled plastic seedling can bow in three stages and beat the leaves like a butterfly and reacts particularly to pauses in speech.

The movements of the plant follow the findings of the Kūkigayomeru theory (Japanese 空 気 が 読 め るkūki ga yomeru "being able to read the atmosphere") by Prof. Tomio Watanabe (渡 辺 富 夫) from Okayama University , which states that a reaction is confirmed by Nodding in conversations improves the atmosphere of the conversation.

In Japan, the toy is mostly bought by adult consumers, presumably to cope with moments of loneliness.

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