Pelops (son of Alexandros)

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Pelops ( Greek  Πέλοψ ), son of Alexandros, was in the 3rd century BC. An officer of the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt .

Pelops came from Macedonia , rose in Egypt to a "friend" ( philos ) of the king Ptolemaios II and served him as a troop commander on Samos . Here he was given honorary citizenship by the city of Samos . In the 22nd year of Ptolemy II's reign (264/263 BC) Pelops officiated as priest of Alexander and the " brother and sister gods " .

Pelops had a younger brother named Taurinos who was born in 260/259 BC. Also officiated as Alexander priest. Pelops' son of the same name also served the Ptolemies.

The Pelops family:

Pelops Alexander priest
Taurinos Alexander priest
governor in Cyprus
daughter of hyperbassas


  • TB Mitford: Ptolemy Son of Pelops. In: The Journal of Egyptian Archeology. Volume 46, 1960, pp. 109-111 (on the inscribed evidence).
  • Willy Peremans, Edmond Van't Dack: Prosopographia Ptolemaica . Band 3: Le clergé, le notary, les tribunaux: n os 4984-8040 (= . Studia Hellenistica band 11). Publications Universitaires de Louvain, Löwen 1956, pp. 33 f., No. 5227 (on the papyrological evidence).
  • Willy Clarysse: Prosopographia Ptolemaica. Volume 9: Addenda et Corrigenda au Volume III (1956) (= Studia Hellenistica. Volume 25). Publications Universitaires de Louvain, Löwen 1981, p. 32, No. 5227 (on the papyrological evidence).


  1. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG) No. 1, p. 364: Inscription from Samos, dated to the year 281 BC. BC, see Mitford, p. 110.
  2. ^ Papyrus Hibeh I, 92.