Pentapolis (Cyrenaica)
Pentapolis ( Greek Πεντάπολις ) in Cyrenaica is the more or less solid alliance between the ancient cities of Cyrene , Ptolemais , Tocra , Euhesperides and optionally Barka or Apollonia in today's Libya called. Barka was founded around 500 BC. Conquered and destroyed by a Persian-Egyptian army, the population enslaved on the orders of the satrap Aryandes . Apollonia was initially just the port of Cyrene and only later became independent. Euhesperides was left around 275 and re- founded as Berenike thirty years later . Around the same time Taucheira was renamed Arsinoe .
- Werner Huss: Pentapolis. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 9, Metzler, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-476-01479-7 , Sp. 523.
- Hermann Kees: Pentapolis 3. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XIX, 1, Stuttgart 1937, Col. 509 f.