Per Noste

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Per Noste is an association founded in Orthez in 1960 under the name Per Nouste ("For us"), which is committed to the preservation and promotion of the Occitan language of Gascon (also known as Gascognic ) and the culture of Gascony.

Its founding president is Roger Lapassade. The 26 founding members include Robert Darrigrand, Pierre Tucoo-Chala and Xavier Ravier. In 1965 Michel Grosclaude joined the association. The association quickly developed a lively publishing activity, especially in the field of language teaching materials.
Until 2009 he acted as a section of the Institut d'Études Occitanes for the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department . He initiated and supported numerous projects (“Calandreta” primary school with Occitan language of instruction, the well-known music group “Nadau”, the radio station “Ràdio País”, the “Ostau Bearnés” in Pau ...)

Editing activity

Per Noste logo as part of the editing activity

In 1967 the magazine Per Nouste was created , renamed Per Noste in 1968 and País Gascons in 1979 .

Today the association's work primarily includes the publication of textbooks, literature in Gascon-Occitan language and works on the country and people of Gascon.

Individual evidence

  1. Robert DARRIGRAND, Vie et oeuvres de Roger Lapassade, Actes du colloque d'Orthez , p. 15-29, Toulouse, CELO, 1998.
  2. Joan EYGUN, Espiar au delà deus gaves: occitanisme e bearnitat de 1950 a 1970 , Actes du colloque d'Orthez, p. 31-40, Toulouse, CELO, 1998.
  3. Robert DARRIGRAND, Prumerias de Per Noste , País Gascons 235 Janvier et février 2007, p. 9.

Web links