Permanent breakfast

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The Permanent Breakfast (German: constant breakfast ) is an art project by the Austrian artist Friedemann Derschmidt and a few other artists, the aim of which is to "have breakfast" in public rooms and places without prior notice and usually at certain times and thus to facilitate communication among the participants promote.


The first public breakfast with Friedemann Derschmidt and four other artists took place on May 1, 1996 at 10:00 a.m. on Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna. Since then, further "public breakfasts" have been held worldwide by all participants according to the snowball principle.


Certain rules apply to the public breakfast. For example, one person invites four others to breakfast, who in turn invite four people each to breakfast in a public, possibly unusual place for the next day. It must also be clear that it is breakfast, but the participation of passers-by is expressly encouraged. Documentation is also required to be included on the official list.


Especially in the early days, the number of "breakfasts" held increased by leaps and bounds. There are numerous, partly illustrated documentaries from various places around the world. The focus is on the participants' experience with the environment and the other participants during breakfast. Since the event is not necessarily registered, the impression arises of doing something that is forbidden. The artists also try to counteract this assumption in order to change the perception and use of public space.

In the course of the events, the perception of so-called pseudo-public spaces, which "imitate" the public, but are privately organized, such as shopping centers, or formerly public spaces such as train stations, also grew. In this sense, breakfast was also used to determine whether the chosen location was a public space.

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