Perri O'Shaughnessy

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Perri O'Shaughnessy is the pseudonym of the two American sisters and writers Pamela and Mary O'Shaughnessy .

Live and act

Mary O'Shaughnessy studied literature and worked for many years as an editor in various publishing houses. At the same time she wrote scripts and was responsible for the texts of several multimedia projects.

Pamela O'Shaughnessy studied law at Harvard University and, after successfully completing her degree, worked as a lawyer for almost twenty years.

Both sisters began to write during their studies; first on their own, later they tried it together. They were able to succeed as authors with great success and repeat this success. In addition to many short stories and short stories, the Nina Reilly cycle is her main work .

The two sisters live in Northern California .

Works (selection)

Short stories
Nina Reilly cycle
Individual works

Individual evidence

  1. Contents: Long walk. - Success without college. - Dead money. - O'Shay's special case. - House afire. - His master's hand. - Gertrude Stein solves a mystery. - Furnace man. - trio. - Second head. - Chocolate milkshake. - Young lady. - Juggernaut. - Couple behind the curtain. - Sandstorm. - Tiny angels. - To still the beating of her heart. - Lemons. - Grandmother's tale.

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