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In perceptual psychology, a percept is the subjectively experienced, experienced, conscious (phenomenal) result of a perception process.

The following must be strictly distinguished from the percept:

  • the distal stimulus , that is, the physico-chemical object that is perceived;
  • the proximal stimulus, i.e. the image of this object or one of its parts in or on one or more sensory cells ( receptors ), for example the two-dimensional optical projection (“retinal image”) of a perceived three-dimensional house on the retina of the eye;
  • the unexperienced physiological process in the central nervous system, which is an essential condition of the perceptual experience;
  • all cognitive (spiritual, mental) processes that can (but do not have to) follow the pure perceptual experience, such as B. Recognition, combining thinking, judging, remembering, associations. An example of the difference between perception and knowledge : I perceive a red spot in a white environment - I recognize what I perceive as red wine spots on my shirt.

See also