Peter Waugh

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Peter Ian Waugh (* 1956 in London ) is a British experimental poet, performer , literary translator, editor and freelance language trainer.

Experimental poetry

As a student of Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman , director and co-founder of Labyrinth (Association of English Language Poets in Vienna) and co-founder of Dastrugistenda, a group of experimental sound poetry, he organized and actively participated in a number of poetry events in Vienna. Although he is a versatile and prolific writer, he has published little. His poetry has been translated and published in several languages.

Works (selection)

  • Horizon Firelight (2000), together with Karin Kaminker
  • Haiku Butterfly Death Dream (2002)
  • Glowworms (2003), together with Evelyn Holloway and Nathan Horowitz

Web links