Peter of Sebaste

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Saint Peter of Sebaste (* around 340; † 391 ) was the youngest brother of Makrina the Younger , Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa .

His father died shortly after or before his birth and he was raised by his eldest sister, Makrina. As a young man he lived in an ascetic community in Pontus, close to the community where his mother and sister lived.

After his brother Basil became Bishop of Caesarea , he ordained Peter a priest . Peter lived as a hermit until he succeeded Bishop Eustatius of Sebaste in 380 and, like his brothers Basil and Gregory, became involved in the fight against Arianism . In contrast to his brothers, however, he was hardly literary.

He completed Basil's Hexaemeron and wrote an introductory letter to Gregory's treatise against Eunomius.

Like Gregory of Nyssa, Peter von Sebaste was one of the participants in the first Council of Constantinople .