St. Peter's Day (Enkenbach-Alsenborn)

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The Peterstag is a day of remembrance of the Rhineland-Palatinate local church Enkenbach-Alsenborn . It is always held on February 22nd as a reminiscence of a horned cattle disease that took place in the region in 1776.


February 22nd is the Kathedra Petri holiday in the Catholic liturgical year. It recalls the takeover of the Roman bishopric ( cathedra ) by the apostle Peter . Historically, the festival probably goes back to a Roman funeral ceremony, at which an empty chair was set up for the deceased.


The horned cattle epidemic broke out in Alsenborn and Enkenbach around Christmas 1776 ; then it spread to neighboring towns. This went so far that only one cow survived. As with many previous epidemics in the Middle Ages and early modern times, this was interpreted in the region as God's punishment; the piety of the region increased accordingly. Since then, St. Peter's Day has established itself as a day of prayer and thanksgiving in Alsenborn, Enkenbach and Neukirchen across all denominations. Since February 22nd of the following year, the so-called “St. Peter 's Day ”was considered to be the turning point, many residents of the Enkenbach-Alsenborn parish formed in 1969 have been attending church ever since.


The holiday is celebrated with church services. Many families deliberately do not eat meat on this day.

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