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Petro-Canada logo
The former headquarters of Petro-Canada in Calgary

Petro-Canada was an oil and gas companies from Canada , based in Calgary . It was established as a state-owned company in 1975 by law passed by the Canadian Parliament. In 2006 it had approximately 5,000 employees and annual sales of approximately 19 billion Canadian dollars .

At the end of March 2009, the Canadian company Suncor Energy offered 19 billion Canadian dollars (the equivalent of 11 billion euros) for a takeover of Petro-Canada. At the beginning of August 2009 the merger of the two companies was completed. Since then, Petro-Canada has only been used by Suncor as a sales brand (e.g. for petrol stations ). The corresponding petrol station network had more than 1,500 branches with around 4,000 employees in 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. Suncor, PetroCan merger will forge oil giant. Financial Post, March 23, 2009
  2. ^ Suncor Energy completes merger with Petro-Canada to create Canada's premier energy company. Marketwire, Aug. 8, 2009
  3. ^ Online Job Application for Petro Canada Jobs

Web links