Parish Secretary

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The job title parish secretaries (more rarely parish secretaries; other job titles: parish secretaries , also: parish helpers ) are used in churches to designate helpers in the administration and organization of the parish office. They perform their service according to church instructions in the parishes . In many Catholic dioceses they are organized in their own professional associations.

The parish secretary is an essential help with administrative tasks and relieves full-time and voluntary church workers. In contrast to secretaries in non-church institutions, parish secretaries also take on tasks that have pastoral importance. They are the contact person for many people seeking advice in the community, provide pastoral care , keep parish books, files, card files, registries, statistics and church registration and often also take on the management of the cash register, the preparatory work for the rendition , the preparation and issuing of certificates Collaboration on the parish letters , the showcase and the literature, as well as organizational tasks for community events and pastoral services.

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