
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Phar ( PHP Archive ) is an extension in PHP that enables programs or files to be processed from a compressed archive file , similar to a Java Archive . Various compression methods are available for compressing the data itself, such as B. bzip2 , gzip or ZIP are available. The origin of Phar goes back to the PEAR package PHP_Archive . This later resulted in the extension based on the PECL library , Phar . Phar has been implemented natively in PHP since PHP version 5.3.0.


The usual integration of files is done by specifying an absolute or relative file path. In contrast, the so-called stream wrapper phar://must be specified for Phar files . As a result, the file is included after the archive name is slashed.


  // gewöhnliches Einbinden
  include '/path/to/external/file.php';

  // Einbinden über eine Archivdatei
  include 'phar:///path/to/myphar.phar/file.php';


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