Pharmacy Product Number

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The Information Center for Medicinal Products (IFA) issues the Product Registration Agency Code ( PRA Code ) for every national numbering system that exists in the pharmaceutical sector. The Pharmacy Product Number ( PPN ) was introduced to harmonize different numbering systems while retaining the national article numbers for packaging labeling and billing systems in the healthcare sector . It serves to comply with Directive 2011/62 / EU to increase the counterfeit security of pharmaceuticals. The core of this system is to assign a unique prefix to any number system, the PRA code. A two-digit check digit is appended to identify errors in the number in manual entries and in data exchange . The newly created number is called the Pharmacy Product Number. The German pharmaceutical central number (PZN) is assigned the PRA code “11”, the Austrian PRA code “16”. This means that previous national coding systems can be retained.

In the securPharm eV project for the verification of pharmaceuticals, a field test in the German market to implement the requirements from the so-called Falsified Medicines Directive 2011/62 / EU, the PPN is already used to map the German PZN. Tripapolon is used as a test object as a fictitious drug .

Just like the Pharmacy Product Number for drugs, the counterpart for medical devices is the Unique Device Identification (UDI, German  product identification number ).

Individual evidence

  1. Directive 2001/83 / EG on the creation of a Community code for human medicinal products with regard to the prevention of counterfeit medicinal products from entering the legal supply chain , Official Journal of the European Union. Retrieved November 11, 2018.
  2. Harmonization of different number systems using PPN , information center for medicinal specialties. Retrieved November 11, 2018.
  3. ^ State of affairs securPharm , BfArM im Dialog May 8, 2018, Bonn. Retrieved November 11, 2018.
  4. forgery Policy , Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices . Retrieved November 11, 2018.