Philaretos (disambiguation)

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Philaretos is the name of the following people:

Philaret is the name of the following people:

  • Philaret (Moscow) (born Fyodor Nikititsch Romanow ; around 1553–1633), Russian patriarch
  • Philaret Drosdow (née Vasili Michailowitsch Drosdow ; 1783 greg. –1867), Russian metropolitan

Filaret is the name of the following people:

  • Filaret (Gumilewski) (born Dmitri Grigorjewitsch Gumilewski ; 1805–1866), Russian Orthodox archbishop, church historian and theologian
  • Filaret of Minsk and Slutsk (born Kirill Warfolomejewitsch Wachromejew ; * 1935), Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk
  • Filaret Denyssenko (born Mychajlo Antonowytsch Denyssenko ; * 1929), head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
  • Filaret von Widin († 1987), Bulgarian Orthodox clergyman, Metropolitan of Widin

Filaret stands for: