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Philaretos (* 702 Amnia in Paphlagonia ; † December 1, 792 ) is an Orthodox saint with the surname "the Compassionate", who distinguished himself through particular generosity.


Philaretos was born in Amnia in Paphlagonia in 702 . He was married to Theosevo and had three children with her, Johannes, Hypatia and Evanthia. He was a wealthy landowner until he became impoverished by giving gifts to the needy and plundering Arabs. In his “bitter poverty” ( penia ) he only owned a pair of oxen, a horse, a donkey, a cow and her calf, a servant and a servant, 250 bee colonies and his country house after Nicetas. As Constantine VI. When his granddaughter Maria married in 788, his financial situation improved and, now living in Constantinople , he was able to devote himself to charitable works again. According to tradition, he was so humble that he not only fed the poor but also served them personally. He died on December 1st, 792 at the age of 90 in the Rodolphia convent. He was buried in the monastery of St. Andrew en te krisei .


His grandson Nicetas of Byzantium , a cleric, described his life.


Since he gave a horse to a poor soldier so that he could do his military service, he was especially revered by soldiers. The beekeepers see him as their patron saint.


  • M.-H. Fourmy / M. Leroy (Ed.): La vie de S. Philarite ; Byzantion 9, 1934, pp. 85-170
  • Lennart Ryden: Life of St Philaretos the Merciful. Written by his grandson Niketas ; Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia No. 8th; Uppsala: Uppsala University Press, 2002.
  • Marie-France Auzepy: St. Philaret ; in: Catherinjoe Livet-Levym, I. Chelkaplan, Jean-Pierrseo Dinie (eds.): Les saints et leur sanctuaire a Byzance: Textes, images et monuments ; Byzantina Sorbonensia 1; Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1993
  • Jan Olof Rosenqvist: L'édition des textes hagiographiques médiobyzantins. Versions revisées de la Vie de saint Philarète le Miséricordieux et de la Vie de Nicétas de Médikion ; École Pratique des Hautes Études. Section des sciences religieuses 108 (1999-2000), pp. 339-343
  • JW Nesbitt: The Life of St. Philaretos (702-792) and its significance for Byzantine agriculture ; Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 14 (1969), pp. 150-158
  • Klaus-Peter TodtPhilaretos from Amnia. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 7, Bautz, Herzberg 1994, ISBN 3-88309-048-4 , Sp. 443-444.

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